FinovateWest 2020 / Mall IQ

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Mall IQ is a privacy-first location intelligence and AI platform, empowering financial institutions to deliver real-time, personalized mobile engagements for improving share-of-wallet, frequency of usage, and retention of banking products. Mall IQ solutions digitize real-time purchase intent in the physical world, making it insightful and actionable for Bank and Fintech mobile apps. Mall IQ offers Mobile SDK, Campaign and Analytics Dashboards and APIs; utilizes proprietary store-level accurate indoor and outdoor location technology for predicting the next purchase.

How they describe their product/innovation: Mall IQ technology enables FIs to discover where their customers shop, what they want to buy, when they are about to pay even before the purchase; predicting the next purchase decision with unique real-time data.

  • Generate store-level accurate location data with wide indoor and outdoor coverage, engaging customers in real-time.
  • Segment customers based on unique store-visit data as well as any purchase or other data via APIs.
  • Learn from customer behavior (visit & click & purchase) to optimize campaign audience, trigger locations and merchants.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through other fintech companies and platforms


Bus. Dev.: Batu Sat, Ph.D., CEO & Co-Founder,, 217-390-2212
Press: Banu Mestanogullari, CMO,

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